Prepare for Your Visit

What should I say to my child?

Before your appointment, you can tell your child that he/she has an appointment to meet with someone who talks to kids.  You do not need to encourage your child to tell the truth or probe them to talk about anything specific.

We understand that you must have lots of questions about what has happened to your child.  It is extremely important that you do not question the child about the alleged abuse, but to leave this to the professional interviewers.  Repeated question can be extremely traumatic to the child, and can also be damaging to an abuse investigation.  Once the interview is completed, you can work with your child’s therapist to develop ways that you and your child can discuss the events in a way that will promote healing.

If your child feels the need to talk about the event, it is okay to listen.  Please do not ask questions. 

Your role (as a parent/guardian) is not to uncover information.  It is to support your child.  Please make every effort to keep adult conversations about the alleged abuse away from your child.  While you may be extremely emotional yourself, during this time, if you child sees that you are upset or angry, they may feel guilty or as though they have done something wrong.

What should I expect at my visit?

When you arrive at Kids First, you as the child caregiver will meet with the forensic interviewer to sign permission forms and ask any questions you might have.  The, while your child is being interviewed, you will be given the opportunity to meet with a Victim Advocate who will further help you understand the investigative process and what resources are available to you.

Who should come to the visit?

The child must accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has the authority to sign the consent forms for services.  If this is not possible, please notify us in advance so that we can make arrangements for the necessary consent forms to be signed.  Please note that alleged offenders are not permitted to attend.

Only the child or children to be seen should be brought to the visit, if at all possible.  Our waiting room is small, and we would like the opportunity to speak privately with you.  If you need to bring other children, please notify us in advance so that we can arrange for supervision during your meeting with the Victim Advocate.